• Healthy Helpline: 07747 695321    Whatsapp: 07747 695321
  • Email: info@atm-ayurveda.com

Welcome to ATM Ayurveda

Mr Sharma has spent all his professional time in the development of businesses. Almost 15 years were spent building his manufacturing company from 5 employees to over 350 employees and turnover reaching £14,000,000 per annum. Although this was a very successful time, he also realised that ‘success’ is very much a question of ‘definition’. How do you define success? Wealth creation, time spent with family, happiness of those around you, the engine size of your car, being there with your children at the important times, having anxiety, doing the things that you enjoy?

This led to the realisation that we must all look to find a balance in life, to truly understand how to become content with what you have today and to appreciate those around you. To smile every day and be positive.

This natural progression was to open the doors of ‘Ayurveda’ and its teachings. On the 22nd of September 2009 after meeting with Adwait, a synergy was found and some four years later a concept was developed, which in turn needed to be formalised.

ATM Ayurveda & Holistic Cure Ltd, was formed in February of 2014, to enable a platform to be created to expand the teachings and treatments onto a global framework. This website is an extension of the same idea, to provide a focal point for patients and colleagues to learn more.

Company Details

Company Registration No.: 8892734
Company Name: ATM Ayurveda & Holistic Cure Ltd.
Type: Private Limited Company
Formed: 13th February 2014
Founder: Tim Sharma (on behalf of Adwait)
Capital: £500.00 (as it’s a New Company)
Size: small (new Company)
Bank account: Lloyds Bank plc
Description: Health & Personal Care
Head Office Address: Unit 1, Evans Business Centre,
Stephenson Court,
Skippers Lane Industrial Estate,
North Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Company Landline (UK): 00 44 1642 442055
Company Mobile (UK): 00 44 7747 695321
Email UK: timsharma@btinternet.com
Email India: triadwait@gmail.com